Award-Winning Learning Platform

Reduce your workload.
Get My Grades makes your job easier.
There is no longer any need to print revision materials, write lengthy student-friendly mark schemes, or spend hours creating individual differentiated tasks for each student – we’ve got it all covered.
On the Get My Grades platform, you can set a whole-class homework or revision task in seconds. Every question comes with its own detailed answer explanation and our algorithms create personalised assessments at the right level of challenge for each individual student.
Empower your students to become independent learners.
Give your students more power over their learning.
The more independent your students, the more progress they are likely to make, and the more time you can devote to students who need extra support.
Our platform helps to familiarise students with exactly what’s required in exam questions. At Get My Grades, we do not just give students automatically-marked, multiple-choice quizzes. Instead, students produce complete answers to realistic exam questions and self-assess their work against detailed mark schemes and answer explanations.

Feel confident about your students’ success.
Target intervention effectively.
We want you to feel confident about your students’ exam results. All the work students complete on the platform is tracked down to the individual concept, so you know exactly where their strengths and weaknesses lie and can then provide appropriate support.
The platform also gives you (and them) an idea of their expected grade in each area compared with their personal target grade – helping you feel confident about how they will do in the real exams.
See the Get My Grades Platform in Action...
Get My Grades is now on the crowdfunding site Rocket Fund - click here for more details!
Get My Grades is already highly affordable, but Rocket Fund is a great way to mobilise the whole school community. Give students, teachers and parents access to our cross-curricular platform with online content and realistic questions, without taking a penny from the school budget! For parents, contributing on Rocket Fund is a great way to get access to Get My Grades at a substantial discount compared to buying subscriptions directly.