Get My Grades Press Release – July 2018
Reinventing technology for education

Exams. If your life revolves around anyone between the age of 11-16, you’ll know how important these are, and how much tougher they are getting. You always want to help more, whether you’re a parent, guardian, teacher or tutor, but your time is limited and good resources are few and far between. Until now….
Get My Grades has launched and we’re here to reinvent technology for education.
Invite everyone who cares, for free, and link them with a student subscription. Be it their Grandad, or their teacher or tutor, everyone who wants to be involved, can be.Core Subjects
Launching with over 750 concept pages for English and Maths, with the Sciences following shortly, and more subjects being released later this academic year. Our content covers every aspect of a students course and more; to interest and inspire them!Assignments
Everyone can set assignments for students and review them. Everyone can help in their own way, in their own time, adding feedback where necessary, so we can all enjoy a slightly more sensible work-life balance.Questions
Including interactive learning content and over 75,000 realistic exam questions that use our ‘Adaptive Learning algorithms’ to automatically present students with questions of an appropriate difficulty.Track
Our automated tracking features allow you to track course progress alongside student attainment for the new, more challenging, 9-1 GCSEs. Our platform allows you to easily identify a student’s weakest areas and help them to fill in the gaps.Research
Based on the latest research in teaching and psychology, including Schema Theory, and Cognitive Load Theory, the Get My Grades platform facilitates a knowledge-rich curriculum.Affordable
One single, affordable subscription (£20/ month or £150 for the entire year, per student) provides unlimited access to all available subjects and features. We have special sign-up offers allowing you to sign up for even less, with huge discounts for students from less privileged backgrounds, or schools. So what are you waiting for? Create your account today!