Award-Winning Learning Platform

Subscribe and get your first month for £1!
Each subscription includes access to:
• All interactive textbook content
• 75,000+ realistic questions
• All subjects: English Language, Maths and Science
• All qualifications: GCSE, IGCSE, Keystage 3, 13+ Entrance Exams
Monthly Subscriptions
Yearly Subscriptions
Monthly Subscriptions
Yearly Subscriptions

Help your child stay on track.
Keep yourself in the loop.
With Get My Grades, you no longer need to feel like you’re in the dark about how your child is doing with their revision. As they revise on our platform, we give you real-time access to their progress, which you can check as often as you want.
You have the power to set them assignments for the concepts you think they need to revise the most – and you can even leave them comments on the assignments they’ve completed.
Make sure your child is supported.
Access expert subject knowledge at home.
We understand that it can be hard to know exactly how to help your child with their revision. You might not have studied maths or science in years, but your child keeps coming to you with questions. Get My Grades can help.
Our learn pages are written by teachers and cover all course content in detail. You and your child will both have instant access to expert subject knowledge from your laptop or phone. No need to hire a tutor or ask teachers for extra help.

Feel reassured that your child will succeed.
Have confidence in your child’s exam results.
As they complete assignments on Get My Grades, the platform gives you (and them) an idea of their expected grade in each area and keeps track of their course progress – helping you feel confident about how they will do in the real exams.
We even give you and your child an insight into what examiners are looking for. We provide a mark scheme and detailed answer explanation after every question your child completes. No more guesswork!
Features For Your Family
Key Stage 3
The Get My Grades Platform is the perfect companion for students in years 7, 8 and 9 in the lead up to their GCSE examinations.
Read about how the Get My Grades Platform can be used to support your child sitting their 13+ exams.
With realistic exam style questions, preparation for GCSE exams could not be easier with the Get My Grades Platform.