Quick Wins to Support EAL Students

Quick Wins to Support EAL Students

Worried about whether your EAL students are getting enough support in your lessons?  With so many other students in the class, it can sometimes feel that we aren’t able to reach our EAL students and give them the help they need. It’s important to remember that a lot...
The Computer Brain

The Computer Brain

In the next blog of this series, the Get My Grades Team is going to take a look at what we mean by the ‘Computer Brain’ and how it affects us. The Computer Very often we find that some things always tend to happen together. When this happens we tend to associate them...
Quick Wins to Support EAL Students

What does EAL mean?

What does EAL stand for? What are the differences between EAL, EFL and ESL? What support do EAL students need and what support do they actually get? All your questions answered here! What on Earth do all the acronyms mean? If you have ever engaged in a discussion...