How Do You Decide Who Runs The Country

How Do You Decide Who Runs The Country

In this blog series we will explore British values, from who runs the country and how, to respect and tolerance. First up, how do you decide who rules the country? Although Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reigning British monarch, the country is actually ruled by...
The Top 5 Ways to Revise

The Top 5 Ways to Revise

As the beginning of the school year is here already, the Get My Grades Team thought it would be useful to review the Top 5 Ways To Revise. As much as we like to think that staring at a textbook will automatically transfer and imprint its contents onto our brains, for...
The Human Brain

The Human Brain

In this blog series, the Get My Grades Team is going to take a look at the Human Brain and what it does. Our Brains The brain is fiendishly complex with billions of neurons and many trillions of connections. Trying to find out what’s going on in there is the goal of...
What is the point of GCSEs?

What is the point of GCSEs?

This question can be answered with different lenses. The logical lens may say that GCSEs can determine which sixth form or college you go to and impact your university choices in some cases. The political lens may say that GCSEs are a semi-objective measure of...
GCSE Results Day 2017

GCSE Results Day 2017

Thursday 24th August 2017. The moment of truth. Parents, teachers and most importantly students will be waiting in anticipation to see the numerical fruits of their labour – their GCSE results. What do I need to know? This year has the added surprise factor as certain...
A Level Results Day 2017

A Level Results Day 2017

Today, August the 17th 2017, the wait for A Level results is finally over. Hundreds of thousands of students across the UK sat A Level exams this summer, with the new reformed A Levels being sat in the core subjects (although many subjects are still using old...